Dentex handpieces are the new world standard in more economical high speeds. The M3 series has triple water port for better cooling and a smooth balanced turbine for better cutting. They sound great, they cut great, and they are priced right. Push button is most convenient and trouble free bur change method and comes standard on Dentex Handpieces.
Dentex handpieces have a one year warranty on the body and a six month warranty on the turbine. They are sterilizable by steam and require normal lubrication.
The M3-s is our workhorse and our best selling handpiece. 4 Hole. (Available in 2 hole on request...CALL 800-322-8815 or ExUS call 00-1-770-971-8815).
Handpiece Specifications
Head Depth: 14mm
Head Diameter: 11mm
Weight: 45gm (1.6 oz)
Max Speed: 400,000 rpm
Operating Pressure: 35 psi
Money Back Guaranteed for 30 days!
Please consider these items to go with your handpiece! - Why not keep a spare turbine just in case.
Use a great oil to protect your investment.
ReGen Oil Handpiece Lubricant - A
blend of oils and Aerospace lubricants will keep your handpieces alive and
cutting faster. Remember "Oil is cheaper than bearings".
Twin Pack of 1-oz. Dispenser
bottles: $19.95 or get 3+ for $18.50